
Goran Krstic , Director at Geoinformatika doo

Maps & Apps

Bilateral Meetings

  • 30.05.2014 Friday (09:00 am - 12:00 pm)

Country: Serbia

Organization Type: Company

Organization Size: 1-10

Founding Year: 2012

Phone: +381 63 89 89 527

Email: goran.krstic@me.com

City: Belgrade 11000,Simina 1, Beograd Google map

Areas of Activities

Programming Languages

  1. C
  2. C#
  3. Java
  4. JavaScript
  5. Perl
  6. PHP
  7. Objective C

Web Design

  1. PHP and MySQL

End User Segments

  1. Medium Companies [2]
  2. Small Companies [3]
  3. Micro Companies [4]
  4. Government and Gov. Institutions [5]

Application Types

  1. CMS - Content Management System
  2. Graphics / Imaging / Animation / Multimedia
  3. Web applications
  4. Web applications
  5. Mobile device apps - Android
  6. Mobile device apps - iOS
Offer & Request

Maps & Apps

Maps for print, web & app
• Cartography for Government, Public and Private Sector
• Worldwide Tourism Map Series
• Internet Maps, Gazetteers, Directions and Locators
• Cycling Maps
• Promotional and Advertising Maps

Keywords: mapcartographyKartenKartografie

GIS - Geoinformation Systems Development

•Regional development projects with GIS based Local Intelligent Systems (LIS)
•AgroLIS, AquaLIS, MasterLIS

Keywords: GISLISgeoinformation

Mobile Apps development

iOS & Android App development
Apps for location-based services

Keywords: iOSAndroidAppMobile