
Dejan Maric , Owner at Verteez


Bilateral Meetings

  • 30.05.2014 Friday (09:00 am - 12:00 pm)
  • 30.05.2014 Friday (01:00 pm - 03:00 pm)

Verteez is a full-service web development company

Country: Serbia

Organization Type: Company

Phone: +381641252430

Email: dejan.maric@verteez.com

City: Novi Sad ,Miroslava Antica 6 Google map

Areas of Activities

Programming Languages

  1. PHP
  2. Objective C

Web Design

  1. PHP and MySQL
  2. JavaScript
  3. Drupal

End User Segments

  1. Small Companies [3]
  2. Micro Companies [4]
  3. Small Office

Application Types

  1. CMS - Content Management System
  2. DMS - Document Mngm. System/Image Mngm.
  3. CRM / Helpdesk / Front Office
  4. E-Business
  5. Knowledge Management Solutions
  6. Graphics / Imaging / Animation / Multimedia
  7. Web applications
  8. Web applications
  9. Mobile device apps - Android
  10. Mobile device apps - iOS